May 2024 Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting

May 2, 9-10, 13, 21

Materials and Videos

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FY 2025 Annual Operating Budget Forum and Written Comment Period

The Board of ԭζÊÓƵwelcomes input from members of the public and the University community on the President's recommended FY 2025 Annual Operating Budget. Hearing from the University’s many stakeholders is very important as the Board prepares to take action on the budget.

There are two opportunities to provide input: 

  • The Board hosted a public forum on Friday, May 10 at 8:00 a.m. in the Boardroom on the 6th floor of the . Those who wished to comment could sign up beginning at 7:30 a.m. in the West Committee Room. The forum was public, . Each available, three-minute speaking slot was assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. 

  • The Board is also accepting written, audio, and video comments via the Board's Virtual Forum through 10:00 a.m. on June 7. Comments received during this window will be included with the commenter’s name and affiliation in the docket materials for the Board’s Finance and Operations Committee June 13 meeting and become part of the official public record.

Submit a Comment

Feedback Submission Guidelines

  • The public comment period will be open at 12:00 p.m. on May 3 and close at 10:00 a.m. on June 7. Comments received during this window will be included with the commenter’s name and affiliation in the docket materials for the Board’s Finance & Operations Committee June meeting, and become part of the official public record.
  • The Board will refuse publication of comments that: are anonymous; contain private data (student, employee, or other private information under state or federal law); raise a specific personnel matter; are unrelated to the University; or focus on matters beyond the FY 2025 Operating Budget.
  • Public comments that do not comply with the Board’s guidelines will not be made publicly available as part of the Board’s docket materials, but will still be available to members of the Board.
  • Attachments may not be uploaded to the form. Submissions are uneditable once submitted.
  • Written comments on the budget may be emailed to These will be shared with the Board but not included in the public docket.


Agenda: May 2024 (PDF)


1:15 p.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting
Regent T. Johnson, Chair/Regent Turner, Vice Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Special Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters - Review/Action - D. Peterson


8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Audit & Compliance Committee 
Regent Farnsworth, Chair/Regent Gulley, Vice Chair

1.    Overview of the University’s Approach to Privacy Compliance – S. Beccard
2.    Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Program Update – K. Bonneson/M. Reierson
3.    Information Items – Q. Gaalswyk

8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Special Committee on Academic Health 
Regent Wheeler, Chair/Regent R. Johnson, Vice Chair

1.    M Health Fairview Update – C. Stromberg/V. Rollins/R. Lorenti/K. Ghezzi/J. Tkachyk
2.    Health Sciences Strategic Planning – C. Delaney/K. Mays/L. Molgaard/M. Pettigrew/J.Tolar/L. Welage

9:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Mission Fulfillment Committee
Regent R. Johnson, Chair/Regent Kenyanya, Vice Chair
15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1.    Promotion and Tenure, and Annual Continuous Appointments – Review/Action – R. Croson/B. Lewis
2.    Board of ԭζÊÓƵPolicy: Tuition and Fees – Review – R. Croson/C. Phillips/J. Tonneson
3.    Systemwide Student Affairs Overview – C. Phillips/L. Erwin
4.    Consent Report – Review/Action – R. Croson 
5.    Information Items – R. Croson

2:00 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Finance & Operations Committee
Regent Huebsch, Chair/Regent Wheeler, Vice Chair
15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1.    Collective Bargaining Agreements – Review/Action – K. Horstman
       A.    University Education Association
2.    Interim President’s Recommended FY 2025 Annual Capital Improvement Budget – Review – J. Ettinger/A. Roberts-Davis
3.    Interim President’s Recommended FY 2025 Annual Operating Budget – Review – J. Ettinger/J. Tonneson
4.    Annual Workforce & Human Resources Strategy Report – K. Horstman/M. Rohman Kuhl/ B.Sullivan/A. Uddin
5.    Strategic Property Update – A. Roberts-Davis/L. Krueger
6.    Consent Report – Review/Action – J. Tonneson
7.    Information Items – J. Tonneson

FRIDAY, MAY 10, 2024

8:00 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting 
Regent Mayeron, Chair/ԭζÊÓƵHuebsch and Kenyana, Co-Vice Chairs

1.    Public Forum on the Interim President’s Recommended FY 2025 Annual Operating Budget
2.    Approval of Minutes – Action – J. Mayeron
3.    Report of the Interim President – J. Ettinger
4.    Report of the Chair – J. Mayeron
5.    Consent Report – Review/Action – J. Mayeron
       A.    Gifts
       B.    Report of the Naming Committee 
       C.    Report of the All-University Honors Committee
--- 9:00 a.m. time certain ---
6.    Recognitions – J. Ettinger/R. Croson
       A.    Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations
       B.    Distinguished McKnight University Professor Awards 
       C.    McKnight Land-Grant Professors 
       D.    McKnight Presidential Fellows 
       E.    National Academy Members and Other Major Faculty Awards
       F.    Academy of Distinguished Teachers   
              i.    Horace T. Morse-University of Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education 
              ii.    Award for Outstanding Contributions to Graduate & Professional Education 
       G.    John Tate Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising  
       H.    Outstanding Community Service Award  
       I.    National Scholarship Recipients
       J.    President's Community-Engaged Scholar Award
       K.    President’s Award for Outstanding Service 
       L.    NCAA Champions 
7.    Receive & File Reports – J. Mayeron 
       A.    Virtual Forum Comments
       B.    Annual Review of the President's Delegations 
       C.    UMN Divest Coalition 
       D.    Minnesota Hillel 
8.    Resolution Related to the Revocation of the Honorary Naming of Nicholson Hall, Twin Cities campus – Review – J. Ettinger
9.    Workforce Reinvestment Resolution Update – J. Ettinger/R. Croson/K. Horstman/M. Bee
10.    Enrollment Strategy Plans and Financial Impacts: Crookston, Duluth, Morris, Rochester – J. Ettinger/M. Holz-Clause/D. McMillan/J. Schrunk Ericksen/L. Carrell
11.    Report of the Committees 
12.    Old Business
13.    New Business
14.    Adjournment

Committee Consent Reports: 

Finance & Operations: Appointments to the Board of Trustees for the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation, Appointment to the Eastcliff Property Task Force, Employment Agreement, Purchases of Good and Services Over $5,000,000, Real Estate Transactions
Mission Fulfillment: Academic Program Changes.

Committee Information Items: 

Audit & Compliance: Review of External Auditor Relationship and Services Provided.
Finance & Operations: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations, Completed Comprehensive Review of Board Policy, Debt Management Advisory Committee Update, Investment Advisory Committee Update, Results of Bond Refinancings
Mission Fulfillment: University, Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities and Awards.

[Tentative Item]


MONDAY, MAY 13, 2024

3:00 p.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting
Regent T. Johnson, Chair/Regent Turner, Vice Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Special Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters - Review/Action - D. Peterson

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024

7:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting
Regent T. Johnson, Chair/Regent Turner, Vice Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Special Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters - Review/Action - D. Peterson

Materials and videos

Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting - May 2

Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting

Audit & Compliance Committee

Finance & Operations Committee

Mission Fulfillment Committee

Special Committee on Academic Health

Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting - May 13

Litigation Review Committee Special Meeting - May 21
