June 2020 Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting

June 11-12

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Agenda: June 2020 (PDF)

Thursday, June 11, 2020

8:00 a.m. Videoconference
Litigation Review Committee
Regent Beeson, Chair/Regent Her, Vice Chair

1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters – Review/Action – D. Peterson

8:00 a.m. Videoconference
Audit & Compliance Committee
Regent Rosha, Chair/Regent Kenyanya, Vice Chair

1. Internal Audit Update – G. Klatt
2. Interim Internal Audit Plan – G. Klatt
3. Foreign Influence Risk Mitigation – P. Webb/M. McQuaid
4. Access Management Audit Findings and Recommendations – B. Gulachek/Q. Gaalswyk
5. External Auditor Contract Extension – Review/Action – S. Paulson
6. Information Items – G. Klatt

9:30 a.m. Videoconference
Mission Fulfillment Committee
Regent Anderson, Chair/Regent Davenport, Vice Chair
15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1. University Rankings – R. Croson/L. Kallsen/P. Radcliffe
2. System Undergraduate Enrollment Management Update – M. Bert/R. McMaster/J. Ratliff-Crain/
3. COVID-19 Pandemic: Framework for Delivering Academic Mission in Fall 2020 – Review –J. Gabel/R. Croson
4. Consent Report – Review/Action – R. Croson
5. Information Items – R. Croson

2:00 p.m. Videoconference
Finance & Operations Committee
Regent McMillan, Chair/Regent Beeson, Vice Chair
15 min break to be taken at call of the Chair

1. President’s Recommended FY 2021 Annual Capital Improvement Budget – Action –J. Gabel/B. Burnett/M. Berthelsen
2. President’s Recommended FY 2021 Annual Operating Budget – Action – J. Gabel/B. Burnett/J. Tonneson
3. Recommendations of the Finance & Operations Planning Work Group – Review/Action – J. Gabel/B. Burnett/K. Horstman/J. Tonneson
4. Real Estate Transactions – Action – L. Krueger
     A. Purchase of 1015 Essex Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Twin Cities campus)
     B. Sale of Approximately 435 Acres, Rosemount, Minnesota (UMore Park)
5. Real Estate Transactions – Review – L. Krueger
     A. Purchase of 501 Oak Street SE, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Twin Cities campus)
     B. Sale of 1.66 acres, Rosemount, Minnesota (UMore Park)
6. Workforce and Total Compensation: Annual Report and Related Topics – K. Horstman
7. Consent Report – Review/Action – B. Burnett
8. Information Items – B. Burnett

Friday, June 12, 2020

8:00 a.m. Videoconference
Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting
Regent Powell, Chair/Regent Sviggum, Vice Chair

1. Establishment of Meeting Dates for 2020-21 – Review/Action – K. Powell
2. Other Business

1. Recognitions – K. Powell/J. Gabel
     A. Outgoing Executive Vice President and Provost
     B. Civil Service Consultative Committee Outgoing Chair
     C. Academic Professionals & Administrators Consultative Committee Outgoing Chair
2. Approval of Minutes – Action – K. Powell
3. Report of the President – J. Gabel
4. Report of the Chair – K. Powell
5. Receive & File Reports
     A. Report of the Academic Professionals & Administrators Consultative Committee
     B. Report of the Civil Service Consultative Committee
     C. Quarterly Report of Grant and Contract Activity
6. Consent Report – Review/Action – K. Powell
     A. Gifts
     B. Report of the All-University Honors Committee
     C. Amendment to President Emeritus Employment Agreement
7. Report of the Faculty Consultative Committee – A. Pittenger
8. Recognition of Faculty Consultative Committee Outgoing Chair – K. Powell/J. Gabel
9. Systemwide Strategic Plan – Action – J. Gabel
10. Strategies for Enhancing Diversity & Inclusion: Students – M. Goh/M. Rodriguez/R. Lee
11. Summary of Governance Decisions Required by New Federal Title IX Guidance – T. Marisam/B. Slovut
12. Board of ԭζÊÓƵPolicy: Code of Conduct for Members of the Board of Regents – Annual Review – D. Peterson/B. Steeves
13. Report of the Committees
14. Old Business
15. New Business
16. Adjournment

Committee Consent Reports:
Finance & Operations: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations; Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over; Appointments to the Board of Trustees of the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Foundation; Engagement of Credit/Liquidity Provider; Principles for Allocating Federal CARES Act Institutional Funds; Real Estate Transaction; Schematic Designs.
Mission Fulfillment: Academic Program Changes; Conferral of Promotion and Tenure.

Committee Information Items:
Audit & Compliance: Semi-Annual Controller’s Report.
Finance & Operations: Annual University Health Benefits and UPlan Performance Report; Semi-Annual Capital Project Management Report; Completed Comprehensive Review of Board Policy; Debt Management Advisory
Committee Update; Investment Advisory Committee Update; Quarterly Asset Management Report; Quarterly Purchasing Report.
Mission Fulfillment: University, Student, Faculty, and Staff Activities and Awards.

[Tentative Item]