June 2017 Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting

June 8-9 & 20

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Agenda: June 2017 (PDF)

Thursday, June 8, 2017

7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, East Committee Room 
Litigation Review Committee
Regent Anderson, Acting Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters – Review/Action – D. Peterson
8:45 – 9:45 a.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting
Regent Johnson, Chair/Regent McMillan, Vice Chair
  1. President’s Recommended FY 2018 Annual Operating Budget – Review – B. Burnett/J. Tonneson
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, East Committee Room
Academic & Student Affairs Committee
Regent Cohen, Chair/Regent Rosha, Vice Chair
  1. Update on Progress Card Metrics for Minnesota Students – R. McMaster/L. Kallsen
  2. Academic Elements of the System-Wide Strategic Plan – M. Behr/L. Black/L. Carrell/K. Hanson/B. Keinath/S. Lehmkuhle/R. Ropers-Huilman
  3. Consent Report – Review/Action – K. Hanson
  4. Information Items – K. Hanson
10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room 
Finance Committee
Regent Beeson, Chair/Regent Omari, Vice Chair
  1. Operational Excellence: Reallocation Update – B. Burnett/J. Tonneson 
  2. Long Range Financial Planning: Update 2018-2023 – L. Kallsen
  3. Consent Report – Review/Action – B. Burnett
  4. Information Items – B. Burnett
11:45 a.m. – 1:45 p.m. Sixth Floor, W. R. Peterson Conference Room
Presidential Performance Review Committee
Regent Johnson, Chair/Regent McMillan, Vice Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Meeting of the Presidential Performance Review Committee to Discuss President’s Review – Review/Action – D. Johnson
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Facilities, Planning & Operations Committee
Regent McMillan, Chair
  1. Public Comment Period: Police Use of Portable Audio/Video Recorders (Duluth, Morris, Twin Cities Campuses) – D. McMillan/M. Berthelsen
  2. Risk Management in the Acquisition of Real Estate – M. Berthelsen/M. Volna 
  3. Update on Utilities, Energy Management, and Sustainability – B. Paulus/S. Stennes
  4. Open Space Plan (Twin Cities Campus) – M. MacKenzie
  5. Information Items – M. Berthelsen
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Sixth Floor, East Committee Room
Faculty & Staff Affairs Committee
Regent Simmons, Chair
  1. Unconscious Bias in Hiring and Promotion – K. Brown/K. Hanson/M. Goh
  2. Benefits at the University and Market Competitiveness – K. Brown/K. Horstman
  3. Annual U Plan Update – K. Brown/K. Horstman
  4. Consent Report – Review Action – K. Brown
  5. Information Items – K. Brown
3:45 – 5:15 p.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Audit & Compliance Committee
Regent Lucas, Acting Chair
  1. Internal Audit Plan – G. Klatt
  2. Internal Audit Update – G. Klatt
  3. Update on Human Participant Research Protection Implementation Plan – A. Levine/B. Jackson
  4. Information Items – G. Klatt
3:45 – 5:15 p.m. Sixth Floor, East Committee Room
Governance & Policy Committee
Regent Cohen, Chair/Regent Johnson, Vice Chair
  1. Overview of the University Senate – V. Courtney/C. Campbell
  2. Resolution Related to Board Meeting Format and Committees – Review – B. Steeves
  3. Board Operations: Annual Planning & Agenda Development – B. Steeves/S. Dirksen
6:00 p.m. Dinner with ԭζÊÓƵEmeriti – Eastcliff

Friday, June 9, 2017

7:30 – 8:45 a.m. Sixth Floor, West Committee Room
Board of ԭζÊÓƵWork Session
Regent Johnson, Chair/Regent McMillan, Vice Chair
  1. Diversity in Undergraduate Enrollment at the Twin Cities Campus: Aligning the University’s Outcomes with its Aspirations – K. Hanson/S. Abdullah/N. Maydun/J. Sweitzer
9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting
Regent Johnson, Chair/Regent McMillan, Vice Chair
  1. Establishment of Meeting Dates for 2017-18 – Review/Action – D. Johnson
  2. Report of the Nominating Committee: Election of Board Officers – Review/Action – D. Johnson
  3. Other Business
  1. Recognitions – D. Johnson/E. Kaler
    A. Academic Professionals & Administrators Consultative Committee Outgoing Chair
    B. Civil Service Consultative Committee Outgoing Chair
    C. Student Representatives to the Board of Regents
  2. Approval of Minutes – Action – D. Johnson
  3. Report of the President – E. Kaler
  4. Report of the Chair – D. Johnson
  5. Receive & File Reports
    A. Report of the Academic Professionals & Administrators Consultative Committee
    B. Report of the Civil Service Consultative Committee
    C. Quarterly Report of Grant and Contract Activity
  6. Consent Report – Review/Action – D. Johnson
    A. Gifts
    B. Report of the All-University Honors Committee
    C. Appointment of ԭζÊÓƵProfessors 
  7. Report of the Faculty Consultative Committee – C. Campbell
  8. Recognition of Faculty Consultative Committee Outgoing Chair – D. Johnson/E. Kaler
  9. Board of ԭζÊÓƵPolicy: Code of Ethics for Members of the Board of Regents â€“ Annual Review – D. Peterson
  10. System-Wide Strategic Plan – Action – S. Lehmkuhle/R. Ropers-Huilman
  11. President’s Recommended FY 2018 Annual Capital Improvement Budget – Action – E. Kaler/B. Burnett/M. Berthelsen
  12. Board of ԭζÊÓƵPolicy: Sexual Misconduct â€“ Review – T. Marisam/B. Slovut
  13. Report of the Committees
  14. Old Business
  15. New Business
  16. Adjournment

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting 
Regent Johnson, Chair/Regent McMillan, Vice Chair
  1. Purchase of Community Solar Garden Subscription Services - Review/Action - M. Berthelsen/S. Stennes
  2. Resolution Related to Board Committee Structure - Action - B. Steeves 
  3. President’s Recommended FY 2018 Annual Operating Budget – Action – E. Kaler/B. Burnett

Committee Consent Reports: 

Academic & Student Affairs: Academic Program Changes.
Faculty & Staff Affairs: Conferral of Tenure for Outside Hires.
Finance: Central Reserves General Contingency Allocations; Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over. 

Committee Information Items:

Academic & Student Affairs: Student Activities and Awards.
Audit & Compliance: Semi-Annual Controller’s Report.
Facilities, Planning & Operations: Preliminary 2018 State Capital Request; Capital Planning and Project Management Semi-Annual Report.
Faculty & Staff Affairs: Update on Noteworthy Items, Administrative Actions, and Policy Issues.
Finance: University Tax Compliance Activities Report; Quarterly Investment Advisory Committee Update; Quarterly Asset Management Report; Debt Management Advisory Committee Update.

[Tentative Item]