July 2018 Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting

July 11-13

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Agenda: July 2018 (PDF)

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

11:00 – 11:30 a.m. Sixth Floor, East Committee Room
Litigation Review Committee
Regent Beeson, Chair/Regent Johnson, Vice Chair
  1. Resolution to Conduct Non-Public Meeting of the Litigation Review Committee to Discuss Attorney-Client Privileged Matters – Review/Action – D. Peterson
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Board of ԭζÊÓƵLunch - Board Office
12:15 – 3:00 p.m. Sixth Floor, Boardroom
Board of ԭζÊÓƵMeeting
Regent McMillan, Chair/Regent Powell, Vice Chair
  1. Introductions
    A. Civil Service Consultative Committee Chair – E. Kaler
  2. Approval of Minutes – Action – D. McMillan
  3. Report of the President – E. Kaler
  4. Report of the Chair – D. McMillan
  5. Receive and File Reports
  6. Consent Report – Review/Action – D. McMillan
    A. Gifts
    B. Finance & Operations Consent Report
    C. Guidelines Related to Ticket Courtesies
    D. Mission Fulfillment Consent Report 
  7. Collective Bargaining Agreement: Minnesota State Building and Construction Trades Council - Review/Action - K. Brown/P. Dion 
  8. Appointment of Vice President for Clinical Affairs & Dean of the Medical School – Review/Action – E.  Kaler
  9. University of Minnesota Alumni Association Annual Report – L. Lewis/S. Ulsaker Wiese/D. Huebsch
  10. Annual Report on Intercollegiate Athletics – M. Coyle/B. Burnett/R. McFarland/J. Tonneson 
  11. Systemwide Strategic Plan: Supporting the Mission – E. Kaler/B. Burnett
  12. Report of the Committees
  13. Old Business
  14. New Business
  15. Adjournment

Wednesday, July 11, 2018 – Friday, July 13, 2018

St. James Hotel – Red Wing, MN
Board of ԭζÊÓƵAnnual Retreat

Committee Consent Reports: 

Finance & Operations: Purchase of Goods and Services $1,000,000 and Over; Appointment of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (UMR); Appointment of Dean, Swenson College of Science and Engineering (UMD); Amendment to 318 Commons Lease, 318 1st Ave SW, Rochester (Rochester Campus); Purchase of 312 16th Ave SE, Minneapolis (Twin Cities Campus).
Mission Fulfillment: Academic Program Changes. 

[Tentative Item]
